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15 March 2023
Synergistic observation of aerosol and trace gases with in-situ and remote sensing techniques, meteorology and radiation (ICOS/INGOS/ACTRIS synergy); Intercomparisons with operational instruments (reporting data to worldwide networks and programmes as WMO-GAW, NDACC, etc); study of atmospheric composition in pristine conditions and with desert dust influences; support in specific campaigns to study atmosphere in remote high mountain conditions, for example to study NPF, desert dust aerosols, transatlantic transport, etc.> R&D --> Research and Monitoring Programs. Physical access includes use of the facilities, as well as help in the preparatory work and training (if needed), and technical and scientific support during the execution. Remote access includes remote access to instruments with in-situ support by ISAF scientist and technicians.
Also offered:
- Set-up and disassembling, instrument handling and operation,
- training on the use of the facility,
- scientific or technical expertise (data handling/use),
- power with UPS, internet,
- accommodation facilities (residence with 7 double-rooms) and kitchen, transportation service available on schedule for displacement from Santa Cruz to ISAF,
- support in customs clearance and paperwork,
- advice on instrumentation shipping and transport,
- storage space, security service.
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