
Access and integration of data using different active, passive and in-situ instruments at CIAO


CIAO – CNR-IMAA Atmospheric Observatory

15 March 2023


LOCATION: Italy, Tito (Potenza)

Access and integration of data provided by different ACTRIS and ICOS (next future) active, passive and in-situ instruments operating at CIAO, included the possibility to carry out integrated studies through the access with the user instrument. Specific measurements campaign can be planned based on user request.
CIAO geographic position, in the Mediterranean basin but on a mountain far from big cities, makes the observatory a perfect location for investigating different aerosol types and atmospheric processes and setting up experiments with the support of the researches and technicians operating CIAO.

TIME CONSTRAINTS: Multi-day stay of external users at CIAO must be discussed and planned with CNR-IMAA. External users are allowed to access the “CIAO observatory only under CNR-IMAA personnel supervision. Accessibility rules can change as a function of the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic.

SERVICE STATUS: The service is available (operational and ready to be offered). At present the following instruments are available at CIAO: multi-wavelength Raman lidar, photometer, multiwavelength Raman lidar, Doppler lidar, cloud radar, microwave profiles, ceilometer, radio-sounding.  

Provider details

CIAO – CNR-IMAA Atmospheric Observatory
National Facility

Classification Information

Research services
Technological services
Ambient atmosphere

Access information

13) All year round

Contact information


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