An ACTRIS user is a person, a team, or an institution using either ACTRIS data or any other ACTRIS service. ACTRIS users originate from academia, business, industry and public services, from ACTRIS member countries as well as from countries, which are not ACTRIS members, inside and outside Europe.
ACTRIS Cloud remote sensing users are operators of DCRs, MWRs or DWLs from academia (e.g. research institutes and universities operating observational sites), public services such as operational agencies (e.g. meteorological services, air quality agencies, ..), businesses (e.g. airports, …), and industry (e.g. instrument manufacturers), that are not operating an ACTRIS observational platform (NF).

The key services and operation support provided by the Centre for Cloud Remote Sensing are:
1. Support ACTRIS networking with governmental agencies and stakeholders that are potential users of ACTRIS data, products and ACTRIS science.
2. Provide the necessary training to users technicians.
3. Distributes the specific quality assurance criteria, guidelines and procedures for calibrating and operating the instruments and processing the observation data
4. Distribute specific tools for controlling the quality of measurements to develop, update and implement central processing of observation data.
5. Consultancy on monitoring the quality control of the instruments, measurements and data
E-PROFILE: is part of the EUMETNET Composite Observing System, EUCOS, managing the European networks of radar wind profilers (RWP) and automatic lidars and ceilometers (ALC) for the monitoring of vertical profiles of wind and aerosols including volcanic ash.
E-PROFILE coordinates the measurements of vertical profiles of wind from radar wind profilers (vertically pointing Doppler radars) and weather radars from a network of locations across Europe and provides the data to the end users. The main goal is to improve the overall usability of wind profiler data for operational meteorology and to provide support and expertise to both profiler operators and end users.
Due to technical advances of the last years ceilometers (automatic low cost lidars) provide nowadays not only cloud base height but also information on the vertical distribution of aerosols derived from the backscatter profile. To make available this new observation capacity E-PROFILE is developing a framework to produce and exchange profiles of attenuated backscatter profiles. Automatic lidars and ceilometers of stations across Europe are added to the operational network. Activities related to Microwave radiometers (MWR) are now also included in the current phase of E-PROFILE.
PROBE: is a cost action project focusing on profiling of atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) at a European scale.The overall objective of PROBE is to develop homogenized and traceable methods to efficiently and cost effectively close the ABL observational gap at European level. The methods will allow for immediate implementation in short-term applications, while also provisioning long-term sustainable research.