
Operation support



Link to the service

1. Methods

Quality assurance guidelines and procedures for calibrating and operating the instruments and processing the observation data. Tools for controlling the quality of measurements to develop, update and implement central processing of observation data.

1 update/year
  • NF
  • External users

2. Calibration

Provision of network-wide accurate calibration of the instruments following harmonized protocols and tools to put all measurements on a common absolute scale.

  • NF
  • External users
3. Campaigns An inter-calibration and/or inter-comparison campaign is organize per year at a CCRES Unit facility, offering the opportunity to perform calibration experiments based on different techniques. 1/year
  • NF
  • External users


4. Tests Space and infrastructure are offered to test new instruments. Performance,  accuracy, stability and calibration procedures can be assessed by comparing them to  established and well-characterized instruments.  On request
  • NF
  • External users
Contact us at
5. Training

Training events of operators and scientists are organized at the TC units or virtually to fulfil different requirements: calibration, standard operating procedures, data quality control etc. NF operators are encouraged to participate regularly (at least once every 2 years).

  • NF
  • External users
See announcements on the website
6. Consultancy

Consultancy during visits, discussions, workshops for setting up new platforms and installing new  instruments.

On request
  • NF
  • External users
Contact us at
7. Workshops

Scientific and technical workshops geared towards the CRS community are necessary to keep the community at the forefront of scientific and technical knowledge, through sharing of expertise and promotion of collaboration between participants.

These workshops will allow the CCRES consortium to receive feedback from ACTRIS NFs and external users about the support and services provided, and to learn about new developments and methods that have been tested by the community.

  • NF
  • External users


8. Working groups Four working group meeting involving participants from the CRS community to keep up to date with new methodologies being developed and to ensure the high quality of the services provided by CCRES over time. 2/year
  • NF
  • External users
Contact us at