The CCRES-FR unit provides support and state-of-the-art expertise in Doppler Cloud Radar activities, developing new-generation technology and retrieval algorithms for cloud properties, target-based calibration procedures, and reference equipment for on-site calibration at ACTRIS national facilities. To sustain a high level of performance  and to stimulate the advancement of new techniques and methodologies within the cloud remote sensing community, the CCRES-FR contributes to expert collaboration networks.

CCRES-FR is hosted at SIRTA Atmospheric Research Observatory. SIRTA is one of few sites in Europe offering the instrumentation and the facilities to study atmospheric physico-chemical processes from the surface to the upper troposphere through the boundary layer. At SIRTA, we study climate variability at regional and decadal scales and evaluate the performance of atmospheric models (climate projection, weather forecast, chemistry-transport, etc.).

CCRES-FR RPOs (Research Performing Organizations):

The Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) is a government-funded research organization,  under the administrative authority of France’s Ministry of Research. With more than 34.000 staff , a 2010 budget of 3.204 billion euros and an  implementation on all national territory, the CNRS is active in all fields of knowledge, drawing on more  than 1200 research groups. CNRS is  involved in several Environmental ESFRI RIs: EPOS, EURO-Argo, IAGOS, ICOS, IS-ENES, ACTRIS, EUROGOOS,  GROOM, JERICO. 

Ecole Polytechnique (EP) is a leading French institution combining top-level research, academics, and innovation at the cutting edge of science and technology. Its various undergraduate and graduate-level programs – Bachelor of Science, Ingénieur Polytechnicien program (Master’s level program), Master’s, PhD, Executive Master – are highly selective and promote a culture of excellence with a strong emphasis on science, anchored in humanist traditions. As a widely internationalized university, École Polytechnique offers a variety of international programs and attracts a growing number of foreign students and researchers from around the globe (currently 40% of students and 39% of faculty members).The École Polytechnique Research Center explores the frontiers of interdisciplinary knowledge to provide major contributions to science, technology, and society.

Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) is member of the Paris Saclay University. UVSQ host the observatory OVSQ at Guyancourt conducting multidisciplinary researches in climate. This activity ranks the university at the 2nd place in the World Academic University Ranking for the Atmospheric Science domain.