National Facilities

The ACTRIS National Facility (NF) Technical and Scientific Forum founding meeting was held on 10th May 2022 back-to-back with the 1st ACTRIS Science Conference.
The ACTRIS NF Technical and Scientific Forum is the forum for all the ACTRIS NF PIs and ACTRIS NF scientists and technicians to interact with each other and with the ACTRIS Central Facilities, and exchange experiences. The idea is to gather the whole ACTRIS scientific and technical community together to discuss topical issues and future developments. It is also important to involve those countries that are on their way to ACTRIS ERIC i.e., this Forum is not limited only to ACTRIS ERIC countries. The aim is that the Forum convenes at least once per year. The Terms of Reference document for the NF Technical and Scientific Forum is available at the ACTRIS website (here).
The first meeting of the forum was very successful with the participation of over 220 ACTRIS community members. In the first meeting, the first co-chairs of the forum were nominated. Congratulations to the new co-chairs of ACTRIS NF Technical and Scientific Forum Véronique Riffault and Iwona Stachlewska!
The current NF representatives of the ACTRIS community in the Interim RI Committee are:
- Kostas Eleftheriadis – Aerosol In Situ
- Iwona Stachlewska – Aerosol Remote Sensing
- Christine Braban – Reactive Trace Gases In Situ
- Markus Leuenberger – Reactive Trace Gases Remote Sensing
- Lucas Alados Arboledas – Cloud Remote Sensing
- Antti Hyvärinen – Cloud In Situ
- Astrid Kiendler-Scharr – Atmospheric Simulation Chambers (nominated by Atmospheric Simulation Chamber Committee, ASCC)
The newly elected co-chairs and the NF representatives shall plan the future ACTRIS NF Technical and Scientific Forum meetings together.
The next NF T&S Forum meeting will be held 26th October 2022 as part of ACTRIS Week 2022.