National Facilities

News from the ACTRIS Data Centre: Launch of the ACTRIS Virtual Research Environment (VRE)
The ACTRIS Virtual Research Environment (VRE) was officially launched during ACTRIS Week, with an interactive session held on Tuesday, 5th November, as part of the Data Centre activities.
The ACTRIS VRE is a platform designed to facilitate the access and analysis of atmospheric data within the ACTRIS community, and beyond. Built on a cloud-based infrastructure powered by JupyterHub, it features Python-based tools and pre-built examples to help researchers streamline workflows. This also facilitates access to larger data volumes more efficiently.
Key features of the VRE include:
- Tools for data search, access, and analysis, such as calculations of monthly/annual means, trend evaluations, and climatology studies.
- Capabilities to combine datasets and explore integrated products, including equivalent black carbon, FLEXPART model outputs (with comparison to measurement data), single scattering albedo and ultrafine particles.
Explore the ACTRIS VRE and its innovative functionalities here:
In addition, a new version of the ACTRIS portal is now in operation, offering improved capacity and enhanced performance to support the needs of the community.