National Facilities

The founding meeting of ACTRIS National Facility (NF) Technical and Scientific Forum will be held virtually on Tue 10th May 2022 at 9-11 CEST (10-12 EEST).
ACTRIS National Facility PIs and ACTRIS National Contact persons are warmly welcomed to attend this founding meeting. The NF Technical and Scientific Forum is meant for all the ACTRIS National Facility Principal Investigators (PIs) and ACTRIS National Facility scientists and technicians to interact with each other and with the ACTRIS Central Facilities, and exchange experiences. The Forum will be composed of NF representatives, without any restriction regarding the number of representatives per NF, country or ACTRIS field. You are all invited to be part of this Forum and share your experiences and insights as they are very valuable to support the implementation, operations and development of ACTRIS! In the founding meeting, the Forum will be established, the co-chairs of the Forum and the ACTRIS RI Committee NF representatives will be nominated, and the overall purpose and aim and future meeting topics of the Forum will be discussed. Detailed meeting programme and meeting link will be provided later.
The Forum founding meeting will be organized back-to-back with the 1st ACTRIS Science Conference 11-13 May (online).
In case of any questions, please, contact us at the ACTRIS Head Office (