Data review
09 Apr
11 Apr

CiGas Data Workshop 2024/04/09 - 2024/04/11

As every year, we have discussed the VOC and NOx data that will be submitted to the EBAS database.

The workshop included:

  • Review of the data for VOC and NOx data from the TC
  • Presentations from the stations
  • Scientific presentations
  • Discussions on further activities

As in previous years, the workshop was held online and contributions can be downloaded below.

Agenda (CEST)


VOC, Tuesday, 2024/04/09

08:30 - 17:00 VOC


08:30-12:00 Review of VOC Data (All / EMPA)

  • The discussion of each site should be accompanied with a short site presentation

14:00-17:00 Discussion on further CiGAS activities for VOCs

  • PTR-MS Measurement guidelines; Status and discussion (60 min) IMT
  • Quality checks: @VOC@ tool, discussion EMPA
  • Potential new sites, incl. exploratory sites all
  • Potential new variables all
  • AOB all

General, Wednesday, 2024/04/10

08:30 - 10:00 Common Session

08:30 - 08:50 FZJ/IMT/EMPA/DWD/UHEL: CiGas overview: on-going implementation

08:50 - 09:20 NILU: ACTRIS and the EBAS data archive

09:20 - 09:35 FZJ/IMT/EMPA: NRT data delivery

09:35 - 09:45 Agnés Borbon: Reactive Trace Gases in ACTRIS: Working Groups

09:40 - 10:00 all: Publication plans

10:15 - 12:00 CiGas Community meeting

10:15 -11:00 FZJ/all: Labelling status; Auditing

11:00 -11:30 DWD/EMPA/all: Exterrnal Data QA for VOC: possible changes

11:30 -12:00 Zoé Le Bras: 30 Years of BTEX monitoring at an suburban station in Switzerland

12:00 -12:30 Max Gerrit Adam: JUNOx NOx Intercomparison 2023

NOx, Thursday, 2024/04/11

08:30 - 16:00 NOx

08:30 - 12:00 All: NOx observations at different sites (15min/site) with 15min break  and Visualization of NOx data files submitted to the EBAS data archive

11:00 - 11:30 FZJ/DWD: Visualization of NOx data files submitted to the EBAS data archive

Aurelie Colomb : NOx at La Réunion - MAIDO

Robert Wegener : Visualization of La Réunion - MAIDO NOx Data


Aurelie Colomb : NOx at Puy de Dôme

Robert Wegener : Visualization of Puy de Dôme NOx Data


Davide Putero : NOx at Monte Cimone

Robert Wegener : Visualization of Monte Cimone NOx Data


Anna Callaghan : NOx at Cape Verde

Robert Wegener : Visualization of Cape Verde NOx Data


Robert Holla : NOx at Hohenpeissenberg

Robert Wegener : Visualization of Hohenpeissenberg NOx Data


Martin Steinbacher  : NOx at Jungfraujoch

Robert Wegener : Visualization of Jungfraujoch NOx Data


Jan Silhay : NOx at Košetice

Robert Wegener : Visualization of Košetice NOx Data


Laurent Poulain : NOx at Melpitz

Robert Wegener : Visualization of Melpitz NOx Data


Nicolas Bonnaire : NOx at SIRTA

Robert Wegener : Visualization of SIRTA NOx Data


Chris Lunder : NOx at Zeppelin Station


Max Gerit Adam: Notes on the NOx part