27 Sep 2019

ACTRIS was present at an associated event named BRAINCITIES  “Boosting ReseArch Inside CITIzens communitiES” to the European Researchers' Night initiative of the European Union funded under the Marie Skłodowska– Curie actions held in Matera last 27th of September.
The European Researchers' Night is an initiative promoted by the European Commission with the aim of promoting, informing and communicating the scientific activities that are normally carried out by users within their laboratories. The goal is to raise awareness among the general public, starting with the youngest, of the importance that research results have in solving the most common problems and creating opportunities for citizens and citizens to spread the scientific culture and knowledge of the professions of Research.
The activities for the study of weather and climate carried out at CNR-IMAA Atmospheric Observatory (CIAO) located in Southern Italy linked to ACTRIS was presented  within a full program of initiatives that animated the University Campus of Matera (European Capital of Culture in 2019) with lectures, debates, experiments for the youngest, exhibitions and shows.
This is a great example of public engagement in strengthening education and training on climate change, both locally and regionally. Thanks to the ACTRIS-Italy team for taking action in such a great initiative!