ACMCC intercomparison in the lab
06 Nov
16 Nov

From November 6 to 16, the ACSM intercomparison campaign brought together a group of European researchers and experts from Aerodyne and Addair at the SIRTA station, host of the Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor calibration center (ACMCC, located at SIRTA-LSCE) France. The workshop included hands-on training as well as workshops focusing on data processing and data submission. Three devices of the latest ACSM versions, the ToF-ACSM-X were deployed for the first time in Europe.  The intercomparison of all types of ACSM instruments (5 Q-ACSM, 5 ToF-ACSM, and 3 ToF-ACSM-X) continued ambient air sampling until the end of November 2023.

This year, the combination of all ACSM types during the intercomparison period will lead to an interesting evaluation of both new and standard ACSM models.