National Facilities

TRL / Lifecycle
TRL 9 — Actual system proven in an operational environment (competitive manufacturing in the case of key enabling technologies, or in space)
Type of collaboration: Open to any kind of collaboration (collaboration with industry, R&D and governance partners). The chambers are versatile and can be adapted for standard and tailored experiments.
Keywords: #Instrument #Atmospheric #Tests #Tracegases #Aerosols #AirQuality @MarketDriven
Instrument tests play a crucial role in optimizing them through evaluation of their performance and identification of potential issues and interferences before market release. Besides, air quality-related technologies and solutions for air quality governance purposes can also be tested at high-scale, controlled and nearly-real conditions to evaluate their effectiveness. This has a clear economic and logistic benefit compared real-world environmental test, contributing to more efficient and reliable outcomes.
EUPHORE is one of the major outdoor chamber facilities worldwide to investigate the chemical transformation of pollutants, simulating realistic atmospheric conditions. EUPHORE is equipped with a high number of analytical instruments, from well-established to state-of-the-art techniques, to provide high-quality measurements of gas and particle-phase compounds. Their size and high versatility allow EUPHORE to be used as a testbed able to accommodate a high number of external instruments to assess and characterize air quality -related technologies and techniques. The experiments can be also oriented to explore new analysis and measurement methodologies. Beyond quality assurance tests, EUPHORE offers a comprehensive and scientific perspective fostering innovation. EUPHORE specializes in supporting the entire lifecycle of instrument development, ranging from the assessment of performance and the identification of potential issues under atmospherically relevant conditions in the early stages of development, to close-to-market experiments. Capabilities extend to prototype testing, experimentation, optimization and the ongoing refinement of instruments and technologies.
The facility can be used to test instruments and air quality-related technologies under relevant atmospheric conditions, for evaluating their performance and for close-to-market tests. A large set of instrumentation is available for users.
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