Participants of the ENVRINNOV kick-off in Cyprus, January 2024.
The IRISCC Horizon Europe INFRASERV project is gathering more than 60 partners and is coordinated by Luke in Finland. The ultimate goal of IRISCC is to support society’s capacity to address and strengthen resilience to climate change risks through the establishment of a service portfolio with transnational and virtual access provision to integrated RI services. The access is provided to complementary and interdisciplinary cutting-edge European and national research infrastructures, including observatories, experimental facilities, modeling, and data infrastructures. IRISCC fosters challenge-driven and interdisciplinary research on climate-change-related multi-hazard risks to support evidence-based policymaking, and decision-making, and to improve Europe's resilience to climate change.
The IRISCC Kick-off meeting will be held in Helsinki, Finland on 5-7 June 2024
POLARIN is an international network of polar research infrastructures and their services, aiming at addressing the scientific challenges of the polar regions. The network includes a wide array of complementary and interdisciplinary top level research infrastructures: Arctic and Antarctic research stations, research vessels and icebreakers operating at both poles, observatories, data infrastructures and ice and sediment core repositories. POLARIN will provide integrated, challenge-driven, and combined access to these infrastructures to facilitate interdisciplinary research on complex processes.
The project kicks off in March 2024 and is coordinated by the Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum Fur Polar- Und Meeresforschung in Germany.
The goal of CARGO-ACT is to deliver a clear roadmap for sustainable global cooperation between key ground-based aerosol, cloud, and trace gas research infrastructures, each having invested in infrastructure and services to support their observing networks with a long-term perspective, to consolidate into a sustainable global research infrastructure in the future. CARGO-ACT will develop sustainable partnerships and decision-making processes with relevant partners, demonstrate the benefits of converging interoperability and standards to stakeholders and the global research community, establish the mechanisms for providing international access to distributed research infrastructures and develop a roadmap for upscaling towards an integrated global research infrastructure for aerosol, cloud, and trace gases.
CARGO-ACT is coordinated by the Finnish Meteorological Institute in Finland. The project kick-off meeting is scheduled on May 17th, 2024, in Rennes, France