01 Sep 2024

ACTRIS CiGas-UHEL invited ACTRIS CIMS-users to a field intercomparison campaign at SMEAR II station (in Hyytiälä, Finland) in summer 2024. The two-week campaign was held 29.7.-11.8.2024. Six chemical ionization mass spectrometers and their users participated in the intensive campaign. The summertime offered a possibility to compare the detection of a wide amount of inorganic and organic vapours.

This is the second intercomparison campaign CiGas-UHEL organizes. It is an QA/QC activity of ACTRIS Centre for Reactive Trace Gases In Situ Measurements (CiGas) that is provided to ACTRIS National Facilities performing condensable vapor measurements.

CiGas Campaign

Contact persons: Nina Sarnela, Silja Häme, Tuukka Petäjä, CiGas-UHEL, University of Helsinki