National Facilities
ACTRIS is the pan-European research infrastructure producing high-quality data and information on short-lived atmospheric constituents and on the processes leading to the variability of these constituents in natural and controlled atmospheres.
ACTRIS promotes the provision of access to a large variety of high-quality services to a wide range of users and needs, for scientific, technological and innovation-oriented usage.
ACTRIS core components are the National facilities, constituting in observatory and exploratory platoforms, and the Central Facilities, fundamental for the provision of harmonized high-quality data.
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Measurement of air samples and calibration of cylinders for isotopic composition of CH4 (δ13C and δD) at Utrecht University.
These measurements can be used for source attribution and isotope budgeting.
Atmospheric samples should be provided in clean glass or metal flasks, suitable bags or cylinders in which CH4 is stable.
Samples from other media (water, sediments, etc.) can be analyzed as well. Specification of the sample containers and expected concentrations is beneficial.
Training through research of:
a) operation and calibration techniques of remote sensing and in situ instrumentation available in AGORA
b) algorithms for retrieval physical magnitudes from remote sensing instrumentation (LIRIC, GARRLIC, POLIPHON). This training can be performed by remote access
Intercomparison campaigns. Comparison with AGORA instruments that follow ACTRIS protocols, in situ, remote sensing at urban (UGR) and mountain (SNS, CP) conditions.
Specific experiments performed by using the available equipment at AGORA, combined with external equipment if needed.
For example: use of polar nephelometer to study controlled ambient particles.
The service includes:
- Administrative support to comply with internal procedures for accessing facilities (physical).
- Administrative and technical support for providing a workspace for visitors: desk space with computer and internet access, meeting rooms, kitchen and lunch room (physical).
Campaigns organized by local research group at urban (UGR) and mountain (SNS, CP) station for research in aerosol-cloud interaction based on synergistic combination of remote sensing and in-situ techniques. |
PACS-C2 provides the possibility of testing new instrumentation and to perform (inter)calibrations or intercomparisons.
Existing standard operation procedures can be used for comparison of new with established analytical techniques/instruments with the user.