National Facilities
ACTRIS is the pan-European research infrastructure producing high-quality data and information on short-lived atmospheric constituents and on the processes leading to the variability of these constituents in natural and controlled atmospheres.
ACTRIS promotes the provision of access to a large variety of high-quality services to a wide range of users and needs, for scientific, technological and innovation-oriented usage.
ACTRIS core components are the National facilities, constituting in observatory and exploratory platoforms, and the Central Facilities, fundamental for the provision of harmonized high-quality data.
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Training of users (scientists, private sector) in instrument handling, campaign planning, calibration procedures, or application of algorithms. On-site training as well as virtual training is possible.
This service aims on providing special, customized datasets to companies (weather forecast, industry, NGOs), research organizations, or policy makers. Based on constraints provided by the user, the service provider screens the dataset for fitting scenarios and provides the requested tailored datasets.
Deployment of the LACROS suite, or components, at a user-defined custom location. It will require strong coordination between user and service provider.
Availability period: The service is available, but needs to fit into the deployment schedule of LACROS.
Estimated duration:
- Must fit into the regular, existing deployment schedule of the site
- Deployment duration is at least 4 weeks
- Preparation time at least 3 months, but additionally depending on the conditions present at the measurement location and administrative regulations
Application, testing, and/or validation of custom retrieval techniques based on measurements of LACROS. LACROS datasets are provided to the user. It is also possible to create customized data products, in agreement to the needs of the user. Possibilities are, e.g., special operation modes or scan modes of the LACROS instruments.
Availability period: The service is available. It can either be applied to existing datasets or to observations at the current location of LACROS.
Operation of LACROS equipment and/or user-owned equipment to test and/or validate the instrumentation. Based on an agreement between the user and the service provider, the instrument is added to LACROS and its operation is monitored by the service provider (in case of remote access) or by the user (physical access). The LACROS data products are provided for the time period of the TNA.
Availability period: The service is available. Location is subject to change, due to the mobility of LACROS.
The service consists of:
- Provision of data from simulation chamber experiments,
- possibility to perform several day-long experiments in the simulation chamber,
- technical service to use own instruments,
- training for planning, evaluation and interpretation of experiments.
Availability period: Typically between April and September (photo-chemistry experiments)
Estimated duration: None, although access has to be coordinated with other activities in laboratory