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Terms of Use 

These Terms of Use are applicable to all users of this website ("Website"). Users should read, understand and accept these Terms when creating an account on the Website or using any of the services provided via this Website. If a given user has not done this, or does not agree with the contents of these Terms of Use, that user should not create an account on the Website and should not make use of any of the services provided via this Website.

By accepting these Terms of Use, upon creation of an account on the Website, the user enters into an agreement with ACTRIS owned by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (later referred as FMI)  with registered offices located at Erik Palmenin Aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki, Finland, made up by the contents of these Terms, in order to regulate the user’s access and use of the Website. Users which accept these Terms of Use hereby represent and warrant that:

They accept to be bound by these Terms of Use, as registered Website users – either individually, or in representation of an organisation;

They are at least 18 years old;

They are capable, under the terms of the law applicable to them, to be legally bound by and comply with these Terms of Use – in particular, whenever a user creates an account as a representative of an organisation, that user warrants to have been expressly and validly authorised by that organisation to do so, or to otherwise be a legitimate representative of that organisation under the applicable law;

Their use of the Website will be carried out in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

In the event of doubts concerning the Terms of Use, FMI may be contacted at: actris-head-office@helsinki.fi

For information on the processing of personal data on users which is carried out via the Website, please see the ACTRIS

1. Services provided via the Website

Access to services provided via the Website ("Services") is, in part, restricted to registered users – i.e., users with a registered Website account – although some Services are open to all Website users. The creation of an account and access to the Website is generally free of charge; however, as described below, certain Services may be subject to payment.

- Registered members

The Website is intended to allow individuals interested in contributing to ACTRIS goals to participate in the development of those goals. In particular, by creating a registered account, users will be able to become actively involved in ACTRIS work, apply to the ACTRIS calls, participate to surveys.

- Newsletters and communications

The ACTRIS will include members of ACTRIS within specific mailing lists, to ensure that those members are kept updated regarding important news and events related to the Website’s scope, by sending out informative newsletters and other communications to registered users (unless they opt-out of this).

- Events

ACTRIS may organise meetings for its community of registered users, which take place in different places around Europe and beyond, seeking to bring together a unique community of research data practitioners and industry and policy stakeholders to pursue the specific objectives of ACTRIS . Via the Website, registered users are able to sign-up to attend events and webinars for free or at a cost (paid via an external payment processor).


2. Copyright / Intellectual Property

Users of the Website may download or print copies of any and all materials on the Website for personal use. None of the information on this Website may be copied, distributed or transmitted in any way for commercial use without ACTRIS written consent. For any materials downloaded from this Website, source and references must be acknowledged.

3. Liability

The material on this Website is provided for general information only. ACTRIS makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of any materials and information incorporated thereto and contained on this website. ACTRIS has a policy of continuous improvement of its communication and reserves the right to make improvements or changes to the online content without notice.

The use of the material (or any information incorporated thereto), in whole or in part, contained in this Website is the user’s sole responsibility. ACTRIS disclaims any liability for any damages whatsoever including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental and/or consequential damages resulting from access to the website and use of the materials provided therein.

ACTRIS makes no representations about websites accessed through this Website which are not maintained, controlled or created by ACTRIS . ACTRIS does not endorse these sites and is not responsible for their content.

1     Foreword

Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure and the projects and entities preparing and implementing it (later referred as ACTRIS) respect the privacy of its persons representing ACTRIS participants, users and stakeholders (later referred as you). This privacy notice describes how and why ACTRIS is collects and processes personal data concerning you if you visit or register to ACTRIS web pages, register to events organized by ACTRIS, register to ACTRIS newsletter or perform a similar action towards ACTRIS.

2     Data controller

In ACTRIS the personal data registers are (data controller) owned by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (later referred as FMI) Finland, located at Erik Palmenin Aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki, Finland. Within FMI the collecting and processing of personal data is handled by the Interim ACTRIS Head Office (later referred as HO or we), and requests concerning ACTRIS data should be sent to actris-head-office@helsinki.fi.

The personal data collected by FMI is protected under the FMI data security measures and procedures of the FMI and HO, in compliance of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Finnish national law. The data is stored at FMI servers in premises with authorized access only, and/or hard drives of computers of HO staff, protected with two-step user verification.

3     Personal data not covered by this data policy

There are cases not covered by this data policy even though you provide personal data to or related to ACTRIS:

If a specific ACTRIS-related event is organized without the involvement of the HO or the ACTRIS web site, the data controller is the entity collecting the data and organizing the event.

Personal data provided to ACTRIS as while submitting or as part of data or metadata sets submitted to ACTRIS Data Centre (DC) and its components (units) are controlled by the institutions hosting the DC and its respective units.

If you provide ACTRIS other person’s personal data through the ACTRIS web site, as part of submitted data sets, or by other means, the obligations regarding the informed consent procedures are on your responsibility.

If you provide personal data to social media platforms (Twitter, Linkedin) that ACTRIS is using. In such cases the data is controlled by the platform host.  

4     Where do we get your personal data?

We get various levels of personal data through various actions you take towards ACTRIS. Your data is collected when you visit ACTRIS web site, register to the web site, register to ACTRIS e-mail lists or for ACTRIS newsletter, participate in a project or body related to implementation of ACTRIS, or register into an event organized by or related to ACTRIS. The personal data can also be collected by an institute related to ACTRIS, and provided to ACTRIS under the conditions agreed by that institute and ACTRIS HO.

5     What data do we collect of you and why?

5.1    If you use ACTRIS web site

ACTRIS web site automatically collects the standard information that any web site in the internet collects as part of its routine operation. This includes IP address, domain name, country, and device information etc. Even though this data is not directly personal, it can be attributed to an individual person especially when combined with other data.

 ACTRIS web site also uses various types of cookies. We use necessary session cookies that enable the website to function. We use analytics cookies to understand how and how much the users make use of the web site. We use also function cookies to configure the site according to your choices and to track your informed consent. The ACTRIS web sites also include direct links and sections of related social media platforms, and they include third-party cookies, for which the respective third parties act as independent data controllers.

The cookies are used for the enabling the web site functions, to track the site usage, to store your personal preferences at the site and to track your informed consent etc.

You may limit the cookie functions in your browser settings, but please note that if you block technical or function cookies, the website or some parts of it may become unavailable.

5.2    If you register to ACTRIS web site

If you register to ACTRIS web site to access the intranet of the website you will be requested to provide some personal information of yourself. This includes:

  • Your name
  • Your e-mail address
  • Your affiliation
  • Your role in or in respect to ACTRIS
  • Your password to ACTRIS web site

These are needed for us to identify you and to give you the correct level of access to various parts of the intranet and to various documentation.


5.3    If you register to ACTRIS newsletter to an ACTRIS or e-mail list

For newsletter and e-mail list registration you need to provide us your e-mail address. No other personal information is required.

5.4    If you participate in an ACTRIS related project or body

If you participate in an ACTRIS-related project or body, we need to collect:

  • Your name
  • Your affiliation
  • Your e-mail address
  • Your role in respect to ACTRIS.

Depending on the project there might be other personal data requested, such as gender or a short CV. These are defined in the respective project consortium agreements.

5.5    If you participate in an ACTRIS event

If you participate in an event organized by or related to ACTRIS, we will collect:

  • Your name
  • Your e-mail address
  • Your affiliation
  • Your role in or in respect to ACTRIS
  • Your participation to each day / subsection of the event
  • Your dietary requests in case there is food served during the event
  • Your transportation to and accommodation during the event, if relevant
  • Other information you choose to provide us in the registration.

6     How do we process your data?

The general rule ACTRIS has in collecting and processing personal data is that we collect only the data we need it, we use it for the purpose it was collected to, we share personal data only when it is really necessary, and your consent will be asked for any new use of your personal data.

The personal data is processed by the HO staff. It is used for the purpose it was collected for, and when that purpose is no longer valid the data will be destroyed. There are cases where some personal data (such as participant list to an event) needs to be stored or distributed for legal or contractual reasons, in which cases the data necessary to be stored / distributed is included. No sensitive personal data is shared.

Ii order to increase the communication within ACTRIS and between ACTRIS, users and related stakeholders, ACTRIS may store non-sensitive personal data for a longer period of max. 10 years. By approving the ACTRIS privacy policy you give us your content for this kind of storing of your personal data.

6.1    Sharing personal data to third parties

We do share your personal data to third parties, but only in cases where it is necessary for enabling specific functionalities of ACTRIS web pages, communication or hosting an event.

For the web site functionalities and list of registered web site intranet users we need to share the relevant personal data to:

When you sign up for receiving ACTRIS newsletter, your e-mail address and IP-information is automatically provided to Mailchimp newsletter service hosted by

In their privacy policy Mailchimp defines their commitment to GDPR and Privacy shield, and how they may use the data you provide them via signing up and reading the ACTRIS newsletter.

When arranging an event together with an event organizer (such as a hotel or restaurant) we do not provide them information of participants at level of individual. If, however, this is needed for facilitating the event, your consent for this specific action will be asked from you. in the registration form.

7     Your rights regarding to personal data of you

Any person with personal data in ACTRIS data registers has the rights listed below. If the person wishes to use these rights, he/she should send e-mail to ACTRIS HO (actris-head-office@helsinki.fi).

  • Right to know what personal data ACTRIS has collected of him/her
  • Right to obtain the collected data
  • Right to have incorrect, incomplete or outdated data corrected, completed or updated
  • Right to have his/her personal data fully or partly erased
  • Right to withdraw or restrict his/her consent for the use of his/her personal data
  • Right to have the data transferred to other data controller

As your data can be in several registers at us, we reserve ourself on month for providing you all personal data we have of you, and for other requests above requiring the thorough collection of all personal data of you.

Please keep in mind that erasing restricting the use of your personal data may limit or hinder communication between you and ACTRIS, or some functionalities of the ACTRIS web site.

7.1    How is the consent for use of personal data obtained and removed?

When visiting the ACTRIS web site for the first time, or when registering to the web site intranet, ACTRIS e-mail list or newsletter, or an event organized by ACTRIS, your consent for the consent for the privacy policy is asked. You may restrict or remove your consent for ACTRIS to use personal data of you at any time upon a written request to ACTRIS HO at Finnish Meteorological Institute in Helsinki, Finland (e-mail to actris-head-office@helsinki.fi). The privacy policy is always available at the bottom of each page of the ACTRIS web site, and when the content of the privacy notice is changed, your consent will be asked again.


Cookies consist of portions of code installed in the browser that assist the owner in providing the service based on the purposes described. Some of the purposes of installing cookies may also require the consent of the user. When the installation of cookies takes place on the basis of consent, this consent can be revoked freely at any time following the instructions contained in this document.

Cookies are small text files that may be sent to and registered on your computer by the websites you visit, to then be re-sent to those same sites when you visit them again. It is thanks to these cookies that those websites can “remember” your actions and preferences (e.g., login data, language, font size, other display settings, etc.), so that you do not need to configure them again when you next visit the website, or when you change pages within a website.

Cookies are used for electronic authentication, monitoring of sessions and storage of information regarding your activities when accessing a website. They may also contain a unique ID code which allows tracking of your browsing activities within a website, for statistical or advertising purposes. Some operations within a website may not be able to be performed without the use of cookies which, in certain cases, are technically necessary for operation of the website.

When browsing a website, you may also receive cookies from websites or web servers other than the website being visited (i.e., “ third-party cookies”).

There are various types of cookies, depending on their characteristics and functions, which may be stored on your computer for different periods of time: “session cookies”, which are automatically deleted when you close your browser, and “persistent cookies”, which will remain on your device until their pre-set expiration period passes.

According to the law which may be applicable to you, your consent may not always be necessary for cookies to be used on a website. In particular, “ technical cookies” – i.e. cookies which are only used to send messages through an electronic communications network, or which are needed to provide services you request – typically do not require this consent. This includes browsing or session cookies (used to allow users to login) and function cookies (used to remember choices made by a user when accessing the website, such as language or products selected for purchase).

On the other hand, “profiling cookies” – i.e., cookies used to create profiles on users and to send advertising messages in line with the preferences revealed by users while browsing websites – typically require specific consent from users, although this may vary according to the applicable law.

- Types of cookies used by the Website

The Website uses the following types of cookies:

  • Browsing or session cookies, which are strictly necessary for the Website’s operation, and/or to allow you to use the Website’s content and Services.
  • Analytics cookies , which allow ACTRIS to understand how users make use of the Website, and to track traffic to and from the Website.
  • Function cookies , which are used to activate specific Website functions and to configure the Website according to your choices (e.g., language), in order to improve your experience.

For further information on how these third parties may use your information, please refer to their privacy policies:

  • Twitter
  • Youtube
    • Privacy Policy: https://www.youtube.com/about/policies/#community-guidelines ;
    • Youtube videos have privacy-enhanced mode enabled: therefore YouTube won’t storeinformation about our visitors, unless they play the video, according to the Google-Youtube guide: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/171780?hl=en-GB

- First-party cookies present on the Website

In detail, the cookies present on the Website are as follows:


Technical name

Data Controller

Cookie type, function and purpose

Type of cookie




Functional cookie to remember whether a visitor has javascript in his browser

first party cookie/browsing cookie

Expires at the end of the session



Cookie that records if the user accepted the 3rd parties cookies

first party cookie/browsing cookie

Expires at the end of the session



Cookie that records if the user accepted additional cookies

first party cookie/browsing cookie

Expires at the end of the session

Google Analytics

Technical name

Data Controller

Cookie type, function and purpose

Type of cookie




Google Analytics cookie used to distinguish users.

third party cookie/cookie analytics

2 Years



Google Analytics cookie that does not store any user information; it's just used to limit the number of requests that have to be made to doubleclick.net

third party cookie/cookie analytics

60 seconds



Google Analytics cookie used to distinguish users.

third party cookie/cookie analytics

24 hours


Technical name

Data Controller

Cookie type, function and purpose

Type of cookie




Drupal cookie that stores session identification.

first party cookie/session cookies

200000 seconds

200000 seconds - ~23 days



Drupal cookie that helps handle the consistent navigation of tabbed pages and forms across a range of different browsers.

first party cookie/functional cookies

1 Year

- Cookie settings

You can block or delete cookies used on the Website via your browser options. Your cookie preferences will be reset if different browsers are used to access the Website. For more information on how to set the preferences for cookies via your browser, please refer to the following instructions:

You may also provide set your preferences on third-party cookies by using online platforms such as AdChoice.

CAUTION If you block or delete technical and/or function cookies used by the Website, the Website may become impossible to browse, certain services or functions of the Website may become unavailable or other malfunctions may occur. In this case, you may have to modify or manually enter some information or preferences every time you visit the Website.

How can I express consent to the installation of Cookies?

In addition to what is indicated in this document, the User can manage the preferences for Cookies directly from within his browser and prevent - for example - that third parties can install them. Through the browser preferences it is also possible to delete the Cookies installed in the past, including the Cookie in which the consent to the installation of Cookies by this site is eventually saved. The User can find information on how to manage Cookies with some of the most popular browsers such as the following addresses: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari e Microsoft Internet Explorer.

With reference to cookies installed by third parties, the User can also manage his own settings and revoke the consent by visiting the related opt out link (if available), using the tools described in the privacy policy of the third party or by contacting the same directly.

Without prejudice to the above, the User may use the information provided by Your Online Choices (UE), Network Advertising Initiative (USA) e Digital Advertising Alliance (USA), DAAC (Canada), DDAI (Japan) or other similar services. With these services it is possible to manage the tracking preferences of most advertising tools. The Data Controller therefore advises Users to use these resources in addition to the information provided in this document.