As in most of European countries, a nation-wide lockdown of activities and transport occurred in France (from 17 March to 11 May 2020) due to the Covid-19 pandemia. This lockdown was enforced very strictly in the Paris area, which resulted in a 10-fold reduction in traffic (average 5% traffic congestion against 50% on normal weekdays) during 8 weeks. This situation led to a reduction of NOx emissions of about 70% in the Paris area as estimated by the local air quality network AIRPARIF.
In late winter - early spring, fine aerosols (PM1/PM2.5) in North Western Europe typically include a significant fraction of ammonium nitrate, a secondary inorganic species which is notably influenced by gaseous precursor emissions from road transport and agricultural activities.
ACSM and aethalometer measurements operating at the ACTRIS SIRTA observatory platform - located in the southwestern suburb of Paris - are currently under investigation to quantify the effect of the strict lockdown on particle pollution. In a preliminary analysis, we compared mass concentrations of several species for the period 17 March - 26 April 2020, to previous year (2011-2019) records in March-April. Then, as a second step, for each day of the “17 March - 26 April 2020” period, we computed the change in concentration compared to 5-20 days in the 2011-2019 period that have analogue atmospheric circulation patterns (using 500-hPa geopotential height). The figure below shows the distribution of daily concentration changes (median, 25-75 percentile and min-max values) for 5 different components and for PM1.